Public domain photo of the Scuola Grande di San Marco in Venice in the late nineteenth century that was altered with the Topaz DeJPEG plug-in, then the Topaz DeNoise plug-in, then the Topaz Clean plug-in (blemish removal strong effect), then the Topaz Clarity plug-in (contrast boost edgy effect), then Alien Skin Exposure X (color and tone adjustments), then the AKVIS Draw plug-in (contrast drawing effect), then the Photoshop paintbrush (base image), then a parchment texture was edited in Snap Art 4 (dry brush effect), then the base image was overlaid and merged with the edited texture image, then the Alien Skin Exposure plug-in (crush blacks effect), and then the Topaz Impression plug-in (paper 6 texture effect set to solid). Public domain image courtesy of the Library of Congress.