Image created with Midjourney that was altered with the Topaz Gigapixel AI plug-in (redefine AI model), then the Exposure X6 plug-in (blow up), then numerous edits with built-in Photoshop tools and the Photoshop paintbrush, then the Exposure X7 plug-in (Fuji Pro 160C and central clarity effects), then the Luminar Neo plug-in (accent AI, sky enhancement, exposure, saturation, vibrance, shadow, sharpen, smart contrast, color noise, dramatic, structure, small detail, medium detail, large detail, highlight contrast, midtone contrast, shadow contrast, and color contrast adjustments), then the Exposure X7 plug-in (clarity bush and light and airy effect), then the Topaz DeNoise plugin, and then numerous edits with built-in Photoshop tools and the Photoshop paintbrush.