Image created with Midjourney that was altered with the Topaz Gigapixel AI plug-in, then the Exposure X6 plug-in (blow up), then numerous edits with built-in Photoshop tools, then the Luminar Neo plug-in (accent AI, supersharp, and effects as well as iris flare, iris visibility, eye whitening, midtone contrast, color balance, and color contrast adjustments), then the Exposure X6 plug-in (saturation brush as well as central clarity and complementary purple and yellow effects), then the Luminar Neo plug-in (accent AI and supersharp effects as well as exposure, color balance, luminance, and color contrast adjustments), and then numerous edits with built-in Photoshop tools. The Fantastical Venice series imagines an otherworldly 15th century Venice. https://www.flickr.com/photos/charleswbaileyjr/albums/72177720317620484/