Digital Charcoal Drawing of Oscar Wilde. Public domain photo of Oscar Wilde in the late nineteenth century that was altered with the Topaz DeJPEG plug-in, then the Topaz DeNoise plug-in, then the Photoshop paintbrush, then the Topaz Clarity plug-in (beach shore effect), then the Topaz Clarity plug-in (high contrast effect), then the Alien Skin Exposure plug-in (Kodak Panatomic-X effect), then the Alien Skin Exposure X plug-in (tone adjustments and vignette effect), then the Topaz Impression plug-in (charcoal 1 type 10 effect set to solid), then the Topaz ReStyle plug-in (black waters and silver slice effect), then the Alien Skin Exposure X plug-in (vibrance adjustment and vignette effect), then the Topaz Clean plug-in (skin even effect), and then the Photoshop paintbrush. Full-size image: https://500px.com/photo/183506771/oscar-wilde-by-charles-w-bailey-jr. CC BY-NC. Public domain image by Napoleon Sarony courtesy of the Library of Congress.